一、 符合外國學生來臺就學辦法、僑生回國就學及輔導辦法及香港澳門居民來臺就學辦法之規定。
Comply with the rules of the Regulations for Foreign Students Studying in Taiwan, the Regulations for Overseas Chinese Students Returning to Study and Counseling, and the Regulations for Hong Kong and Macao Residents Studying in Taiwan.
二、 以教育部駐外館處所推薦國外學校名單之畢業生為優先。
Priority is given to graduates recommended by the Ministry of Education's overseas offices for the list of foreign schools.
三、 學生大學在學成績、大學畢業成績或專科畢業成績,應在班級排名或系排名中上程度為原則。
Students should achieve above-average performance in university academic records, graduation records, or junior college graduation records, ranking in the upper part of their class or department as principle.
四、 語言能力:
1.申請入學中文授課班級者,華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)基礎級(Level 2,相當於 CEFR A2)聽、讀 2 項皆須達 A2 級(含)以上(入學第 2 年須達 B1 級(含)以上)。
2.申請入學英文授課班級者,英文能力須達 CEFR B1 級(含)以上(入學第 2 年華語文能力測驗(TOCFL) 基礎級(Level 2,相當於 CEFR A2)聽、讀 2 項皆須達 A2 級(含)以上)。
Language proficiency:
1.For applicants applying to Chinese-taught classes, proficiency in Chinese language as measured by the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) at the Basic Level (Level 2, equivalent to CEFR A2) is required, with a minimum of A2 level achieved in both listening and reading (B1 level or above is required in the second year of enrollment).
2.For applicants applying to English-taught classes, proficiency in English language must be at the CEFR B1 level or above (TOCFL Basic Level (Level 2, equivalent to CEFR A2) with a minimum of A2 level achieved in both listening and reading is required in the second year of enrollment).